Products Tagged "Dog"
This pet memorial guestbook allows grieving family and friends to record their favorite memories of a beloved pet. It features a photograph of fallen autumn leaves, along with a personalized name and customized messages.
This collar has the message "Don't feed me, please! I have an allergy!" on it, to help inform others that a pet has an allergy and should only be fed by its owner(s).
This pet memorial guestbook allows grieving family and friends to record their favorite memories of a beloved pet. It features a photograph of fallen autumn leaves, along with a personalized name and customized messages.
This pet memorial guestbook allows grieving family and friends to record their favorite memories of a beloved pet. It features a photograph of fallen autumn leaves, along with a personalized name and customized messages.
This collar has the alert, "PLEASE DON'T FEED ME! SOME FOODS MAKE ME VERY SICK!". It could be used to try to inform people that the dog wearing the collar should not be fed by anyone but its owner, due to certain food intolerances.
This vintage look jigsaw puzzle design features a depiction of two dogs.